Scientists march across London Bridge carrying placards warning of government actions worsening global heating

Scientists march across London Bridge carrying placards warning of government actions worsening global heating. © Ron Fassbender

Four days of climate protests in central London, from 21st to the 24th April 2023, initiated by Extinction Rebellion - who have abandoned, temporarily, their disruptive tactics - and supported by more than 200 organisations, including environmental groups, writers, NGO's, and unions demanding government stop the licencing, funding and approval of new fossil fuel projects, and create "Citizen Assemblies" to tackle the climate crisis.
Nurses Not Nukes © Ron Fassbender
Nurses Not Nukes © Ron Fassbender
Dirty Scrubbers at Tufton Street © Ron Fassbender
Dirty Scrubbers at Tufton Street © Ron Fassbender
Dirty Scrubbers at Tufton Street © Ron Fassbender
Dirty Scrubbers at Tufton Street © Ron Fassbender
Natasha Walter, writer & activist in Tufton Street © Ron Fassbender
Natasha Walter, writer & activist in Tufton Street © Ron Fassbender
Dirty Scrubbers at Tufton Street © Ron Fassbender
Dirty Scrubbers at Tufton Street © Ron Fassbender
Tufton Street protest © Ron Fassbender
Tufton Street protest © Ron Fassbender
Professor Mike Berners-Lee addresses a rally in Tufton St  © Ron Fassbender
Professor Mike Berners-Lee addresses a rally in Tufton St © Ron Fassbender
Tufton Street protest © Ron Fassbender
Tufton Street protest © Ron Fassbender
Academic Rupert Read addresses a rally in Tufton St  © Ron Fassbender
Academic Rupert Read addresses a rally in Tufton St © Ron Fassbender
'Fish Not Poo' - a reference to worsening water pollution © Ron Fassbender
'Fish Not Poo' - a reference to worsening water pollution © Ron Fassbender
Writer Zadie Smith addresses a rally in Tufton St © Ron Fassbender
Writer Zadie Smith addresses a rally in Tufton St © Ron Fassbender
DEATHRA  outside the offices of Defra © Ron Fassbender
DEATHRA outside the offices of Defra © Ron Fassbender
People's Picket outside the Home Office © Ron Fassbender
People's Picket outside the Home Office © Ron Fassbender
DEATHRA  outside the offices of Defra © Ron Fassbender
DEATHRA outside the offices of Defra © Ron Fassbender
DEATHRA  outside the offices of Defra © Ron Fassbender
DEATHRA outside the offices of Defra © Ron Fassbender
DEATHRA  outside the offices of Defra © Ron Fassbender
DEATHRA outside the offices of Defra © Ron Fassbender
Rishi Sunak Blah Blah Blah © Ron Fassbender
Rishi Sunak Blah Blah Blah © Ron Fassbender
S.S. Planet Titanic © Ron Fassbender
S.S. Planet Titanic © Ron Fassbender
Shut Down Shell © Ron Fassbender
Shut Down Shell © Ron Fassbender
Parents For Future with wind turbines © Ron Fassbender
Parents For Future with wind turbines © Ron Fassbender
Welcome sign in Parliament Square © Ron Fassbender
Welcome sign in Parliament Square © Ron Fassbender
When leaders act like kids ... © Ron Fassbender
When leaders act like kids ... © Ron Fassbender
Christian Climate Action in Parliament Square © Ron Fassbender
Christian Climate Action in Parliament Square © Ron Fassbender
Christian Climate Action in Parliament Square © Ron Fassbender
Christian Climate Action in Parliament Square © Ron Fassbender
Red Rebel Brigade in Parliament Square © Ron Fassbender
Red Rebel Brigade in Parliament Square © Ron Fassbender
More flights ... plane stupid © Ron Fassbender
More flights ... plane stupid © Ron Fassbender
More flights ... plane stupid © Ron Fassbender
More flights ... plane stupid © Ron Fassbender
Red Rebel Brigade © Ron Fassbender
Red Rebel Brigade © Ron Fassbender
No airport expansion © Ron Fassbender
No airport expansion © Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
Love and Rage at the Home Office © Ron Fassbender
Love and Rage at the Home Office © Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
We Need To Fly Less © Ron Fassbender
We Need To Fly Less © Ron Fassbender
We Need To Fly Less © Ron Fassbender
We Need To Fly Less © Ron Fassbender
Free food © Ron Fassbender
Free food © Ron Fassbender
We Need To Fly Less © Ron Fassbender
We Need To Fly Less © Ron Fassbender
Giant Insect - Heat Increases Spread Diseases © Ron Fassbender
Giant Insect - Heat Increases Spread Diseases © Ron Fassbender
Ben Okri - © Ron Fassbender
Ben Okri - © Ron Fassbender
Ben Okri - © Ron Fassbender
Ben Okri - © Ron Fassbender
Huda Ammori of Palestine Action © Ron Fassbender
Huda Ammori of Palestine Action © Ron Fassbender
Reverend Billy Talen from the Church of Stop Shopping © Ron Fassbender
Reverend Billy Talen from the Church of Stop Shopping © Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
Chris Packham, naturalist and TV presenter © Ron Fassbender
Chris Packham, naturalist and TV presenter © Ron Fassbender
Chris Packham, naturalist and TV presenter © Ron Fassbender
Chris Packham, naturalist and TV presenter © Ron Fassbender
Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion © Ron Fassbender
Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion © Ron Fassbender
Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion © Ron Fassbender
Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion © Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
No Nature, No Future © Ron Fassbender
No Nature, No Future © Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
The Red Rebel Brigade © Ron Fassbender
The Red Rebel Brigade © Ron Fassbender
Blackbirds © Ron Fassbender
Blackbirds © Ron Fassbender
Blackbirds © Ron Fassbender
Blackbirds © Ron Fassbender
Unite For Nature © Ron Fassbender
Unite For Nature © Ron Fassbender
Blackbird and Red Rebel Brigade © Ron Fassbender
Blackbird and Red Rebel Brigade © Ron Fassbender
Blackbirds making friends © Ron Fassbender
Blackbirds making friends © Ron Fassbender
Blackbirds © Ron Fassbender
Blackbirds © Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
Scientist warn of biodiversity loss © Ron Fassbender
Scientist warn of biodiversity loss © Ron Fassbender
Green Spirits © Ron Fassbender
Green Spirits © Ron Fassbender
An upset protester is comforted © Ron Fassbender
An upset protester is comforted © Ron Fassbender
Fiddle player © Ron Fassbender
Fiddle player © Ron Fassbender
Giant pink Dodo and Big Ben © Ron Fassbender
Giant pink Dodo and Big Ben © Ron Fassbender
Giant pink Dodo and Big Ben © Ron Fassbender
Giant pink Dodo and Big Ben © Ron Fassbender
Giant pink Dodo and Big Ben © Ron Fassbender
Giant pink Dodo and Big Ben © Ron Fassbender
There Is No Planet B © Ron Fassbender
There Is No Planet B © Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
Spoof newspaper © Ron Fassbender
Spoof newspaper © Ron Fassbender
Environmental writer Donnachadh McCarthy © Ron Fassbender
Environmental writer Donnachadh McCarthy © Ron Fassbender
Environmental writer Donnachadh McCarthy © Ron Fassbender
Environmental writer Donnachadh McCarthy © Ron Fassbender
Spoof newspapers © Ron Fassbender
Spoof newspapers © Ron Fassbender
Baroness Bennett addresses a rally criticizing the media © Ron Fassbender
Baroness Bennett addresses a rally criticizing the media © Ron Fassbender
Scientists warn of dangers of exploiting new oil and gas © Ron Fassbender
Scientists warn of dangers of exploiting new oil and gas © Ron Fassbender
I want a hot girlfriend not a hot planet © Ron Fassbender
I want a hot girlfriend not a hot planet © Ron Fassbender
Fossil Filth Is Over © Ron Fassbender
Fossil Filth Is Over © Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
Stop Ecocide Change The Law © Ron Fassbender
Stop Ecocide Change The Law © Ron Fassbender
UK Government Is Literally Insane, warn scientists © Ron Fassbender
UK Government Is Literally Insane, warn scientists © Ron Fassbender
Fossil Filth Is Over banner © Ron Fassbender
Fossil Filth Is Over banner © Ron Fassbender
Cut The Ties To Fossil Fuels banner outside Shell oil HQ © Ron Fassbender
Cut The Ties To Fossil Fuels banner outside Shell oil HQ © Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
Cut The Ties To Fossil Fuels placard outside Shell oil HQ © Ron Fassbender
Cut The Ties To Fossil Fuels placard outside Shell oil HQ © Ron Fassbender
Shut Down Shell placard outside the company HQ © Ron Fassbender
Shut Down Shell placard outside the company HQ © Ron Fassbender
Placards with some shrewd media analysis outside Shell oil HQ © Ron Fassbender
Placards with some shrewd media analysis outside Shell oil HQ © Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
© Ron Fassbender
End Fossil Fuels Now banner © Ron Fassbender
End Fossil Fuels Now banner © Ron Fassbender
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